Thursday, April 22, 2010

Star plots

This star plot graph compares 5 different designs of MER IDD and 4 automated designs. The spokes coming off of the stars are different variables that affect the designs such as time and mass.

Correlation matrix

This correlation matrix represents a calculated protein, in which correlated behaviors go from low to high, the color code for the matrix is low is the really low level and red is the really high level.

Similarity matrix

In this similarity matrix, the signatures associated with the two contrasts with a high similarity are coded in dark red coloration. The same signatures that have no similarity have no color pigmentation which are the white squares.

Stem and leaf plot

This steam and leaf plot is presented as a problem in which the students is supposed to find out the number of data items presented in this problem. The correct answer was 17 items displayed on this plot map type.


This boxplot details the annual snow depth at the given resort. The box is around the areas in between the lowest quartile and the highest quartile, kind of depicting the average snow fall for the resort.


This is a histogram detailing the distribution of the employees monthly salaries. There are 11 different ranges on this histogram and it shows that most employees fall under the first data range and in a distant second the 3rd range of 6480-8670.

Parallel coordinate graph

This very interesting looking map type is a 3d view of nine different gene types and all cells. It shows in a very creative way the data and uses a percentage bar on the side to depict the rise and fall in percentage of cell involvement.

Triangular plot

This triangular plot map is a election prediction plot. The creator of this map type takes into account three different possible votes and displays them here as what they feel is the possible outcome of the election results.


This example of the Windrose map type shown here is of Maine. It shows that this region gets heave winds from the west direction and not much from the east. In using these map types, you must be careful to only use one from the same region because they cannot be transferred amongst different areas.


This climograph is of Memphis, TN, in which the amount of precipitation is depicted by the bar graph and the temperature is depicted by the red line. The beginning and the end of the year is the times for heavy rain in this area.

Population profile

This population profile is of East and Southern Africa, in which the population is compared with their ages. each age is then broken down into who has HIV/AIDS and those who do not. In a number of years, many of the older population will be the main ones infected with the virus as majority of the 15-30 year olds are the main ones affected now.


This example of a scatterplot is not necessarily showing any specific set of data, it is a clear example of what a scattterplot would look like. The x-axis shown is the explanatory variable and the y-axis is the response variable, it is best used when comparing two large amounts of data.

Index value plot

This index value plot map is of the streamflow conditions across the United States from 1999-2009. Their are over 3122 sites that report in order to make this data. The gaps shown here are because of loss data or equipment failure in which data is not even recorded to avoid a bias misrepresentation.

Lorenz curve

This example of a Lorenz curve is a perfect example because it shows the line of perfect equality and of perfect inequality and then the Lorenz curve. For example, on the graph one can see the bottom the bottom 50% of households hold 30% or less of the total income.

Bilateral graph

This bilateral graph is of Japans bilateral technical cooperation in Japans official development assistance charter. The Japanese bilateral graph includes new trainees in each fiscal year.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Nominal area choropleth map

This nominal area map does not have a clear data that can be ordered in a specific way. You can clearly see a clear difference in the data on this map, it looks as if the red states won but the data and key says it is a tie.

Standardized choropleth maps

This standardized choropleth maps is of the percentage of population age 14 years and under. These maps are designed to compare a certain amount of data over a specific area. It is used to compare these different areas based off of the census division.

Bivariate choropleth maps

This bivariate chropleth map shows two variables of Ohio. The population is represented by different colors on the map the darker shade of purple their is a larger population. The small dots represent the median house value of these counties.

Unclassed choropleth maps

This unclassed chropleth map represents the different levels of fertility rates across the world by different degrees of darkness. They label a couple cities on here to give you a perspective of the where areas are. The lightest color is the lowest fertility rate and the darkest shade is the highest fertility rate.

Classed choropleth maps

This choropleth map is using graduated colors to represent the data. It is showing the under 1 year deaths per 1000 live births in this area, the darker red color represents the areas with a 10 or higher death rate in that area.

Range graded proportional circle map

This range circle proportional map is of different EID events across the world. The larger the circles the more events in that specific area. As you can see, North America and Europe have a large conglomerate of circles in their countries.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


This DOQQ is of Washington D.C. it is a computer generated aerial photograph of the area. You can clearly see the geographic features and also the housing structure of the area.


This DEM is of the Sacramento Valley this map gives a clear depiction of the distinct geographic features of this valley. The different colors on this map represent the different levels of elevation across the sacramento valley.


This DLG map is a representation of Savannah. They portray the linear information displayed on USGS maps, as in this map you can see all the linear features of Savannah.


This DRG map type is of Washington, D.C. in which it shows a digital representation of the area. This type of map is a scanned map of the USGS topographic map.


These figures on the Isopleth map represent the different amounts of rainfall throughout the United States, along with rainfall it represents different concentrations of rain chemicals across the United States.


This Isopach map is of flood deposits in 1992. It is of the modern brazos delta, the different colors displayed here represent the difference in thickness in centimeters.


Isohyets show where rainfall comes together. This isohyet map is of Tasmania showing the different levels of rainfall throughout the state. The change in rainfall is due to the reduction in moisture in the airflow moving eastward across the state.


Isotachs show the different wind speeds in a region and how these wind speeds vary. This isotach is from the great plains region showing the tough winds of this region and the severe weather they experienced.


Isobars map types are going to show certain areas of the same barometric pressure by connecting lines. This isobar is of Europe and the Mediterreanean used by the weather program in Germany.


This LIDAR map type is of lower Manhattan right after the terrorist attacks of 9/11. They used this type of image to plan how construction workers would work around the rubble, the different levels of elevation represent the different heights of the rubble after the attack.

Doppler radar

A doppler radar map type is used mainly on weather channels to display the weather for upcoming days. This radar is showing what Hurricane Katrina looked like right before it hit in 2005. You can see the different colors represent the different effects and winds the area was under the influence.

Black and White aerial photo

This black and white aerial photo is a picture of the city Johnstown. The website I found this photo was showing the evolution of the city over time and using this map type is perfect to show how an area changes over time.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Infrared Aerial Photo

This map is a photo of Ft Leavenworth and the vegetation of this area. The website had the same area shown with a normal camera and then pictured this photo, to show how the infrared color really highlights the vegetation in this area. If there were more areas on this photo with less vegetation than you could really see the difference that an infrared aerial photo makes.

Cartographic Animation

This cartographic animation of Africa is a perfect example of this type of map because it shows change over time. This map shows how states in Africa gained their independence over time from 1960-1963. In this map you see that the darker shaded states gained their independence within this 3 year timeframe.

Statistical maps

This statistical map shows how the internet increased during the 1990s in Africa. This map shows how certain areas of Africa, a lot of areas of Africa, had brand new increases in internet. This website showed the increase in cyberspace technology throughout the world, but the statistical map showed how Africa went from a country with little internet to one that had a country full of it.


This cartogram represents the democratic primary in Connecticut. This cartogram breaks down each town in Connecticut and who won each town. This is a perfect example of a cartogram because it uses data to break down each town.

Flow Maps

A flow map is often used by students to sequence and order information. This flow map breaks down a book read chapter by chapter. I think this map is similar to a mental map. This map is done by a student and shows the sequence of events of a novel.

Isoline maps

This isoline map shows different wind speeds across the United States. The isoline map is a type of map used by weathermen or meteorologists, as this map depicts, this map was used on the weather channel.

Proportional circle maps

This proportional circle map uses data based off of the 1990 census showing the American Indian Population of these select states. The different circles represent different amounts of American Indian Population in these states. The population is represented heaviest in these lower states, as shown by the really large circles.

Choropleth maps

This choropleth map shows the data class breakdown of the males per 100 females based off of the U.S. Census. This choropleth map uses colors to breakdown the different ratios of male to females, they used the U.S. Census as their source.

Dot distribution maps

This dot map shows military families and their location based off of their bases in Ohio. The heavy populated cities are the cities with the most military families. This dot distribution map has a darker coloration in the more populated areas, showing more military members live in these heavily populated cities.

Propaganda maps

This map is a propaganda map based off of how Japan sees America. One big conglomerate, they only see the real big cities and there is no real declaration of state lines or even country lines, as you can see Mexico is embedded into the states. This is possibly how Japanese see America.

Hypsometric Map

This hypsometric map shows the elevation levels of the entire world, this was created by students. You can see areas above and below sea level with the different colors depicted in this map. It shows a clear topographic representation of the world as we know it.

PLSS maps

This PLSS map shows a section of Minnesota in which each section is broken up into quarter quarter sections and identified by a number code. The map also separates these quarter quarter sections into larger sections and each township and region is identified by red lines. This is a perfect example of a PLSS map.

Cadastral maps

This cadastral map is a perfect example of a cadastral map, the red outline is a cadastral plan and the cadastral map is a collection of these cadastral plans. This is best used in real estate or to define land boundaries as it is doing in this example.

Thematic Map

This thematic map presented by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, this map shows the distribution of pounds released, chemicals and risk-related results. A thematic map is designed to focus on specific ideas or themes, which is a perfect map type for the U.S. EPA, because it can show the distribution of different effects things have on the environment.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Topographic map

This topographic map represents a corner of Maryland. It shows different features of this area but mainly the contour lines are the most important feature of this topographic map. You see this area has some elevation in it because of the different contour lines represented on this map.

Planimetric map

This planimetric map is used as a real estate map to show a property that the real estate company is marketing. These maps are designed to show horizontal boundaries, the blue lines outline the property shown on the map. The other lines outline the other boundaries on the map as well.

Mental Map

A mental map is a tool used by people to learn a strategy or to show relations between certain objects. This map shows the ten different ways that your participation can be influenced by different personal venues. These things then branch off into smaller versions of the same thing in which these small things influence the participation of the individual represented in this mental map.